Thursday, November 19, 2009

Red Honor Cords

Honor cords are usually wearing more then thirty Honor Groups and Societies, Study Abroad Students, one Student Government organization, and the international club has been accepted for their graduating members to show off particular honor cords during Commencement. Red Honor Cords are one of the honor cords. Red Honor Cords are consisting of pair of cords. The cords are knotted at the collar, two cords drape descending on both side. The cords are total length 60 inches. At the end it has four inches tassels. This cord is made by rayon or silk.

The real use of Red honor cords is during commencing ceremonies. Used above all for credit, character realization, and as indicate of attachment or contribution. There is a number of honor society that uses Red Cord for University or college graduations. The name of such societies is Kappa Omicron Nu, Alpha Epsilon Delta, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Omega Rho, Theta Alpha Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Lambda Pi Eta, Sigma Tau Delta, and Pi Delta Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha, Sigma Delta Pi etc.

Red colors symbolize heat, fire and Patriotism. The shade Red Honor Cords contains Falu red, Burgundy, Carmine, Chestnut, Magenta, Red-violet, Puce, Scarlet, Vermilion, Rose, Shocking Pink, Cardinal, Cerise, Crimson, Fuchsia, Mauve, Rust, Sangria, Terra cotta, Amaranth, Maroon, and Cerise.

For university symbols of office colors and hoods for graduate’s shades of red are used to specify a degree in Conservation, Divinity, Journalism, Canon Law, Communications, Forestry, Public Health, Music and Theology.

Red honor cords is bought by the members of honor society, sorority. This is also bought for schools, colleges, universities. One can also buy this Honor Cords individually. Some home schools and some middle schools also buy Red Honor Cords.
The cords are different price. This price is varied because of the quantity and quality. Price of high quality cords is much than medium quality cords.

There are many way to buy the honor cords including red Honor Cords. But two ways is most popular. One can buy it via internet. It is the easiest way of buying. Many cords making company give opportunity to give an order via there websites. If any one gives order of according to the demand then instantly have to choice the payment method. There may different types of payment methods. Some of the payment methods are paypal, escrow and check. If any honor society or customer of the cords choice the papal then also need a valid credit card number. But check payment is chosen then payment has to give at the time of delivery of the product. Except this there is another way of buying honor cords. This is direct contact if any honor society wants to buy honor cords directly then they can contact with the company directly.

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